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Hello! this is Ahmer

 A Seasoned Content and Copywriter with in-depth SEO knowledge. I help business and blog owners increase traffic and boost their sales.

Why you should hire me

Get top-notch SEO content and copywriting services to rank your business on top of Google and other Search Engines. Get more traffic & maximize your conversions.


As a blog owner, you need the traffic to come and stay on your site. The traffic comes and stays with SEO + catchy content. That’s how I’ve helped my previous clients get TRAFFIC and can help you too!

Web copy/Product Description

You don’t need words, you need sales, right? My web copies and product descriptions are not just meaningless words, but emotion-triggering content that stirs emotions and makes people BUY!

Youtube Scripts

Just imagine hiring a scriptwriter who crafts scripts for your YouTube channel. The videos created with the help of those scripts are so intriguing that viewers are watching them right to the end. Your subscribers and earnings are starting to SKYROCKET now. Sounds quite amazing, doesn’t it? Then, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with me to turn these dreams into reality!

Do you need a writer who can bring traffic to your site with his SEO-friendly blogs? And retain the traffic to maximize your conversions with his hypnotic writing? If yes, hit me up now on my Upwork account!