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Youtube Script: Top 3 Cryptocurrencies to Buy in 2022

Hello guys! It’s Ahmer here with another fascinating video on cryptocurrency. As we all know, Cryptos have been the talk of the town for a long time now.

People have made millions and billions with the help of wild fluctuations in the prices of bitcoin and other crypto coins. These dramatic turnarounds have pushed a lot of people to invest in cryptos.

But that’s just one side of the story. Many people have borne huge losses by investing in cryptos. And you won’t really hear about it often. But, considering failure is as important as considering success.

Anyhow, your success or failure in crypto heavily depends on the currency you buy. So, to help you out today, I am going to tell you about 3 of the very best cryptocurrencies that you should consider buying in 2022. 

Sounds exciting? Let’s jump right in then.

  1. Bitcoin

Bitcoin has been the standard or the face of all cryptocurrencies. Whenever it goes up, the rest of the cryptocurrencies go up as well. It was recorded at $28,803.59 on the 1st of January, 2021.

And then came its rise, rise, and more rise until it went on to hit $68,789.63 on the 10th of November. That means a rise of 143% in only 10 months and 10 days. So, considering its hype is still building around, you can still expect heavy returns on it.

  1. Ethereum

The 2nd largest cryptocurrency going around the globe is Ethereum. From January 2021 to January 2022, it jumped from $1385.5 to $2604.37. That is like an increase of almost one hundred per cent, and that is huge by any standard.

So, the high demand for this currency makes it a huge prospect for the future.

  1. MaticWind-Up

Although this currency is nowhere close to Bitcoin or Ethereum at the moment, it looks like one with a big future. Wondering why? Matic started 2021 at a mere $0.01. But ended the year at an unbelievable figure of $2.92. Now that increase is 29 thousand times, and it’s crazy. So, just like Bitcoin and Ethereum did in the past, it can be on a journey to reach thousands of dollars per coin.


Remember that investing in crypto involves high risk, so invest only when you have in-depth knowledge and awareness about it. So, that’s all for today. See you soon in the next video. Till then, take care, and bye-bye!

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