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YouYube Script: How to Create an NFT? A Step-by-Step Guide

Hello Fam! How you doin’? It’s me again, with an incredible video that you might have been waiting for. Guess what it can be about. Some of you might get it right, yes! It’s about the non-fungible token that has taken over the entire world in recent years.

If you’re new to my content, let me tell you, that the Non-Fungible Tokens, a.k.a NFTs, are digital assets on the blockchain that represent rare and unique items like digital art, virtual real estate, and many more. And many people are generating millions of dollars out of these tokens.

But, how to create it? Sounds a bit tough, No? Why are you worrying when I am here? I’ve got an easy step-to-step guide that can help you make NFTs without any hurdles. So, let’s begin.

  1. Select An NFT Marketplace

The first thing you need to do to create your NFTs is, select a marketplace. There are various platforms but Opensea and Rariable are the best of all.

Once you select your desired marketplace, you have to open an account and your journey to creating NFTs begins. 

  1. Set Up Your Digital Wallet

The second step of this process is, creating a digital wallet to store both your cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Cryptocurrencies, yes! You heard that right. You’ll use them, precisely Ethereum, when creating NFTs.

Ethereum is preferred because lots of NFTs are created on the Ethereum blockchain and it is also used to pay the gas fee.

If you are already having ETH with you, now all you need to do it, create a Metamask Wallet. This digital wallet is the one that you are going to use in the whole process. 

  1. Create Your Collection

On the Opensea account, you can see My Collection option. It’s like a gallery of your digital art.

After this, you’ve to customize your collection by entering its name, writing a description of it then uploading the display image. You’re basically setting the groundwork to display your artwork. 

  1. Create Your Digital Token

Once you’re done finalising your collection, it’s time to create your NFT. For this, you need to click on New Item. You’ll see an option to upload the metaverse, including your visuals. Now give a name to it. 

You can now add properties, levels, stats etc., to your NFTs. They enable buyers to filter your artwork. Ok, once you’re done with it, adding your details like social links, updated image, description, and name click on “Create”, and your NFT will be added to the blockchain. Then, you’ll require ETH to pay for approval and gas fees.

Then, it’s your turn for choosing the payment tokens for your digital art. 

  1. List You NFTs For Sale

Now, the creation process has come to an end, and it’s time for the other part of the story which is selling your NFTs. For this, you need to list your NFTs for sale and choose an option whether you’re selling them at a fixed price or in an auction.

Keep in mind that you need to pay a gas fee for the first time. 


Wasn’t it a piece of cake? By following these easy steps, you can create and sell NFTs easily. You might make millions just by following this video; who knows? Lol. 

So, guys, that were all. If you’ve liked this video, give it a thumbs-up, and don’t forget to tell me your thoughts in the comment section. Have a great day! Bye.  

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