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How to Build an iOS App in 7 Easy Steps?

Are you struggling to take that first step into the iOS app development world?

I get it, as building an iOS app may indeed feel like a daunting challenge, particularly if you’re starting from scratch. The technical jargon can easily leave you feeling overwhelmed and lost in a sea of confusion.

But fear not, for you have found the perfect place!

This article is your ultimate guide on How to Build an iOS App, providing you with easy-to-follow steps.

So, without any delay, let’s get into it…

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Build an iOS App!

Before diving into the itsy-bitsy details of creating a new iOS app, let’s look at how you can begin this journey. You can:

  • Use no-code apps such as Appy Pie (Best for non-technical enthusiasts)
  • Learn iOS development (Coding language proficiency is required)
  • Hire a software-developing individual or a team (A reasonable budget is necessary.)

Your choice will depend on two key factors: the time you invest in building an iOS application and your budget.

Now let’s jump right in and start building your first iPhone app!

Have a Clear Idea and Plan According to It

Clearly articulate the purpose and goals of your iOS app. What problem does it solve, or what value does it provide users? Think about the specific need or pain point your app addresses.

Consider the user experience, aesthetics, and how your app will stand out from competitors. This roadmap will keep you on track and organized.

Setup Your Mac for iOS App Development

While it may seem tempting to use iOS emulators on Windows machines for running macOS, it’s not advisable, especially when it comes to coding. Why?

Because eventually, you’ll publish your iOS app on the App Store. And to ensure a smooth user experience, you must eliminate all the potential technical issues.

So setting up your Mac for iOS development is the first step. It will help you develop, debug, optimize, and test your iPhone app.

Download an IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

An IDE is a user-friendly software tool that provides developers with a convenient and integrated platform. Xcode is a standout choice among IDE options like Atom, SublimeText 3, and AppCode. 

Xcode is a versatile iOS app development tool that supports multiple languages, a user-friendly interface, and the iOS SDK (Software Development Kit).

Now, you’ll need an Apple ID, which allows you to download Xcode, deploy your app for real-device testing, and acquire other software from the App Store.

To install Xcode, follow these steps:

  • Open the Mac App Store from the dock.
  • Log in using your Apple ID credentials.
  • Use the search function within the Mac App Store to find “Xcode.”
  • Once you locate Xcode, click the “Get” button to initiate the download.

Choose an iOS Language

Next, it’s time to choose a coding language for your app development. Objective-C and Swift are the two primary languages used in iOS development. However, Swift has gained significant popularity among developers due to its user-friendly syntax and extensive support network, making it a preferred choice.

Build Your First iOS App

Follow these steps to begin your iOS app development:

  • Launch Xcode and click on “Create a new Xcode project.”
  • From the top bar, select the iOS template.
  • Choose the “App” option.
  • Fill in the project name at the top.
  • Leave the next two blocks as they are.
  • For the interface, select SwiftUI.
  • Choose Swift as your coding language.

Code the App

Once you have opened Xcode to create new software:

  • Use the left panel in Xcode’s code editor to navigate to files and folders.
  • The right panel, the Utility Area, helps manage views and components in the storyboard.
  • Find the Run and Stop buttons on the top toolbar for executing or stopping your app.
  • The debug/console area at the bottom of the code editor provides features like breakpoints and runtime tools.
  • Open the Main.Storyboard file in the project directory by simply clicking on it.
  • The storyboard allows you to design views and arrange components such as buttons, labels, and navigation bars.
  • Initially, you’ll see a blank view.
  • To add objects like labels, go to the View menu, choose Show Library, and drag the desired component onto the view you want.

Run Your iOS App

It’s time to watch your first iOS app running successfully! 

To run your app in Xcode, locate the device destination or simulator selection near the Run/Stop button at the top left on the Xcode screen. Press Command ⌘ + R or click the run button to initiate the iOS simulator and launch your app.

To run the app on an actual device:

  • Connect your device to the Mac using a cable.
  • The device will automatically appear in the list of device destinations.
  • Select the device from the list.
  • Press Command ⌘ + R or click the run button to run the app on your connected device.

Note: Before introducing your app on the Apple App Store, testing and optimizing it on different Apple devices and versions is essential. This step enhances customer usage and ensures a positive user experience.

Wrapping Up!

Whether you’re building an iOS app for fun or to acquire employable skills, this step-by-step guide on How to Build an iOS App will provide you with everything you need. Consistency is key, so just start with simple app development and gradually progress towards more complex software development.


People Also Ask -FAQs

  • Can I create an iOS App for free?

Yes, you can create iOS apps for free using Apple’s Xcode, the official development tool. However, publishing the app on the App Store may require enrollment in the Apple Developer Program, which may have associated costs.

  • Can I build an iOS app with C++?

Yes, you can build an iOS app using C++. While the primary language for iOS app development is Swift, iOS also supports using C++ through frameworks like Objective-C++.

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